Friday, July 11, 2008

Under and Lightning

Last night we went to Two Toots Diner in Downers Grove with Christen, Will & Finn. It was my first time at a 'train restaurant' and what a fun time it was! Reagan and Will just loved watching the train bring food to other tables and then to ours. Reagan (being the timid girl she is) didn't wait for the waitress to get her basket off the train - she got it off all by herself. I'm not sure how much of their dinner they ate, but they enjoyed themselves. Meanwhile, Finn & Nola were busy 'sharing' food - otherwise known as Nola holding something out and then Finn taking it - that won't happen too much longer. Reagan and Will finished off the dinner with cupcakes - also brought by the train. And each cupcake was topped with a train whistle - yippee! They each got a ride on the quarter pony on the way out.
As we were driving to drop our friends off, we noticed a very dark sky coming in. We quickly got on the road home (with a very wet stop in the Oberweis drive through for milk). When we got home it was still raining so I told Reagan I would go open the door and then come back for her and then go back for Nola, who was sound asleep. When I got back to get Reagan she was singing - she told me she was singing to Nola so she wouldn't be afraid of the under (Reagan's word for thunder). While I carried Reagan in she told me to sing to her as well - amazing what a little 'Jesus Loves Me' can do to settle nerves. When I was coming back in with Nola Reagan was yelling from the back door - don't forget to sing! It was such a great moment as a parent to watch Reagan looking out for Nola - and keeping her safe from the under!

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