Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our Dancer

Although Reagan is taking the summer off from dance, I thought I would share pictures and stories from her first year of dance class. She started attending Dance Center of La Grange in September and loved every minute of it. Her teachers, Miss Robin and Miss Peggy, were fantastic! How they got 15 2 1/2-3 1/2 year olds to listen and do what they were told was amazing.
Reagan was particularly fond of 'Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me', dancing (aka, running) around the circle, and the Choo Choo Train Song - where all of the dancers would line up in a train and march around the room.
On her birthday, the whole class did a Birthday dance and sang Happy Birthday to Reagan. She even got to wear the special Birthday hat!
On June 14th, Reagan had her first dance recital!! She was so excited and did a fabulous job. Her class danced to 101 Dalmations, so they were dressed as dalmations. Miss Robin dressed up as Cruella Deville - complete with black & white wig and a fur coat. Reagan loved being on stage (imagine that!) and wanted to keep dancing. During the bows, she was waving her hands and shaking her hips - enjoying every minute of it.
After she was done, she got flowers from mom, dad & Nola and some from Grandma Jane & Grandpa John - it was fun to see how excited a 3 year old could be over carnations!
Cassidy, Cori & Aly were there to share in her big day - and now Cassidy is enjoying her own time on the dance floor. Also, our neighbors, Jack & Emily, were they to celebrate with pictures. Reagan is looking forward to dancing again the fall and can't wait until she is 4 and able to take tap - hopefully she will have more grace than here mom did! After 9 months of class, we were so proud to see our dancer having the time of her life on the stage - it truly was a great day!

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