Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Showers of Love

Sunday we were able to celebrate Maureen's wedding shower. On the way to the shower we were stopping at McDonald's to get chicken nuggets for Reagan - chicken marsala is not her thing. As we are driving she says, 'My tummy says it's hungry...and it didn't say please'. It was quite funny.
The shower was great. We were able to see some of Pat's relatives we hadn't seen, and even some I had never met. Maureen was showered with wonderful presents and Bridget served as the MC during the present opening. She provided great comic relief - too bad I didn't get a video of that. Reagan put herself in charge of passing out the Hershey kisses - I have no idea how many she ate herself, but she assured me she wouldn't eat too many so she didn't get a tummy ache. But with her Mulcrone stomach I don't think chocolate can give her a tummy ache. Nola was busy crawling very quickly around the shower - she is getting faster and faster each day.
We are getting close to Maureen and Roy's big day and we are very excited. What a fantastic celebration it will be!

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