Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ride for Kids

This past weekend we traveled to South Bend, IN to attend the Indiana Ride for Kids. The ride benefits the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation - and my cousin, Nikki has a brain tumor, that she has had since she was younger. For many years (I started going to the ride in 1998 and Nikki's family had gone for several years before then) we went to the ride in Chicago, but the motorcycle group at Faith Church (Nikki's church) now rides in South Bend, so we headed to South Bend. After arriving on Saturday afternoon Reagan and Leo were able to swim for a while in the very cold pool before dinner. We went to eat at The Legends of Notre Dame - a restaurant on the Notre Dame
campus filled with ND memorabilia. After dinner we (some of us) walked around campus - even got to read about 'touchdown' Jesus. Most of the buildings on campus were closed, but we were able to enjoy the perfect weather.
The next morning we headed to the ride. The motorcycles start the ride around 9:45 and return from their 52 mile ride around 11:30. Kids who have/had tumors can ride on one of the motorcycles, but Nikki didn't want to do that - instead she got to ride shotgun in yhe sheriff's Hummer! There were a little over 200 motorcycles this year - only the 2nd year for this ride in IN. (In the Chicagoland ride I think there is 2-3,0000 bikes it really is something to see) We watched and waved as they left and then hung out in the park until they returned. Reagan and Leo were able to sit on a motorcycle for pictures. After all of the riders had returned we headed out for lunch before journeying home. What a fantastic weekend it was. If you want to read more about the Ride for Kids, just check out this link:
Please keep Nikki and her family in your prayers as she is starting a new treatment tomorrow. Prayers for the treatment to be successful and for Nikki to be able to tolerate the medicine. God is able to do amazing things and we look forward to seeing his power work in Nikki!

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