Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Reagan's Family Birthday Party

To continue with the birthday festivities we had Reagan's family party at our house - which included a few friends. It was great to see everyone and just enjoy time together.
Reagan was thrilled with her presents - and most excited about all the new dresses she received. She couldn't wait for the weather to improve to wear her new fancy dresses.
We broke tradition this year and did not get a Costco cake - instead Reagan requested ice cream cake and that was a big hit!
So hard to believe Reagan is already 5. She loves school and dance. She took gymnastics in the fall at R-B with her friend Ava and loved it. She doesn't understand that she will most likely be too tall to go much further, but all that matters is that they had fun - the 2 tallest girls in the class! Reagan went to Awanas during the school year and learned many new Bible verses. She started AYSO soccer in the fall and was on the blue dolphins. Reagan had great teammates and even scored a few goals. She will continue again next fall and spring. She loves crafts, coloring, playing computer games and doing addition and subtraction in her head. She is a very sweet girl and loves spending time with her family and friends. She is a true blessing!

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