Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eyes to the Skies

After having so much fun last year, we headed back to the Lisle Eyes to the Skies festival on July 2nd. We picked up sandwiches on our way out there and met my parents and Aunt Karen & Uncle Nick.
The crowds weren't as large as last year which made it easy to find space to spread out. We ate dinner and waited to see if the balloons were going to actually fly. Unfortunately the wind was too much (it has to be under 10 mph) so they couldn't fly. But they did inflate them and we were able to get out in the field and see the balloons up close. Then after the sun started to go down the balloons lit up for quite a pretty show. It was cool to see all the colors of the balloons really show up under the light of the fire. Uncle Nick introduced the girls to their first elephant ear. Reagan wasn't so sure about it but Nola loved it (of course). The girls loved seeing all the balloons and then went on a mission to find light up necklaces. Thankfully they got back just in time for the fireworks - which weren't great, but to the girls they were wonderful. It was a late night, but well worth it (especially when we all slept past 9 the next morning).

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