Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Last Day of Preschool

After 2 amazing years, Reagan had her last day of preschool at Grace Lutheran. She had such great teachers both years and learned so much - yes, even in a play-based preschool!
They had a picnic for the kids during their last day and then it was time to pick her up. It was sad to say goodbye to Mrs. Thoms and to friends, but we will see them plenty over the summer and into the future.
Reagan was blessed to have 3 close friends, Ava, Neva and Reilly, in her class. And starting last fall, they had a rotating 'girls playdate' every Tuesday. So each mom took a turn picking up all 4 girls and then keeping them until 1:00. The girls loved their time and the moms loved it too! Not only did we get extra time for 3 weeks, but then we had great time for conversation when we picked up. These moms have become my friends, and I think I was more sad that preschool was ending than was Reagan.
It was a big decision as to where we should send Reagan (and our other children) to preschool and I know that God led us to Grace Lutheran and we are so thankful that He did.

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