Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reagan's special day

Ever since I went to Pik a Pot n Paint with MOPS Steering Team Reagan has been begging me to take her there. I explained that we would have to go a day that Nola was somewhere else because she was too little to go with us.
On the last day of VBS Nola was spending the day with Grandma Jane, so that afternoon Reagan and I went to Pik a Pot n Paint. I was concerned that they wouldn't have air conditioning and it was one of the 5 hot days we have had this summer - but it was plenty cool and she was too excited to notice.
Reagan couldn't decide what to paint. She looked and looked (and looked) - and finally decided on a unicorn. It was actually pretty fun to watch her look at all of the options and tell me why that would be good - or if maybe Nola could do it - or we could make it for Daddy for Christmas, etc. After the big decision was made she picked out her colors and was ready to start painting.
She just loved being there - she would use one brush for a while and then switch to a new brush. And then to another. When she finished painting we cleaned up and were ready to get some lunch. But before we could leave she needed to take one more look around.
We headed to Pompei for lunch where we sat outside and enjoyed the summer weather and time for just Reagan and mom - what fun!
I think we have found a great place for special days - and soon Nola will be able to join us. Watch out Pik a Pot N Paint!!

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