Thursday, July 23, 2009

Family Fun Day

With the 4th of July being on a Saturday, Pat didn't have to work on the 3rd so we decided to have a family fun day and take the girls to Pirate Cove in Elk Grove Village. It was a beautiful, sunny day and it wasn't too crowded.
We started off on the ferris wheel and then the girls tried out the train where they have to turn the handles to make it go (or the workers used a pole to push them along) Nola was thrilled to be on the 'horsey' and then enjoyed being on the train. We thought we would have to pry her off, but she was fairly cooperative.
Then we headed to the potato sack slide. I got to go the first time and then Pat got his turn. I remember going on those slides with my dad - so it was fun to experience it with the girls. They really enjoyed it and wanted to go again. But we moved on to the jumpy house - they can never get enough jumping!
Next on the list of things to do was to ride the train. While I ran to the bathroom they took several rides on the train - changing seats each time for a new perspective. Good thing there wasn't much of a line!
Our last stop on the first time around was the bumper boats. The girls did a great job waiting in a long line until it was finally their turn. Similar to the train, they had to use their arms to make the boat move. Nola didn't get her boat moving too much but had a blast. Once Reagan got it figured out she was moving all over the pond - frontwards, backwards, fast and slow!
They were having so much fun that we went back on some of the rides. We did a little climbing in the park area and Reagan really liked the dragon slide - Nola not so much.
After 2 1/2 hours we decided to head out and get some lunch for the girls and get them home for a nap before we headed out to celebrate the 3rd of July. We had such a great time - no rushing, no schedule to follow, just time together enjoying summer - can never have too much of that.

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