Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

After our family fun day we had a chance to rest and then to headed to Lisle for the Eyes to the Sky Hot Air Balloon Festival and fireworks. My mom and dad joined us - which was great because my dad has always wanted to take a hot air balloon ride. The weather was great and we were able to get good parking - thanks to my dad.
We met the Goy's when we got there and then headed into the field to see the balloons up close. There was a storm coming in later that night so they couldn't fly but we were able to get really close to them. The kids loved it - especially the very large Energizer Bunny balloon and the pink bunny ear hat they were giving away.
We were able to see a balloon get blown up from the beginning. It was a beautiful balloon and very cool to see it start off flat and grown into an amazing large balloon. When it was almost up they needed 4 people to stand in the basket to keep it from floating away and my dad was quick to volunteer. Nola though he should 'get out now' but he enjoyed being in there - even if it was quite hot!
All of the balloons lit up before being brought down. We sat down for a while and waited for the fireworks to begin.
The show was ok - nothing to write home about - but the kids loved it and that's what matters. Maybe next year we'll take them downtown and have them experience the great fireworks and amazing crowds - might be tough to convince their dad, but we'll work on it!
On the 4th of July we woke up to a little rain. Reagan said she didn't want to go to the parade in the rain so we met the Scanlon family at Tony's for breakfast (Pat & I were very happy to miss the parade so we could have great breakfast!)
That afternoon we had a party at our house - still raining, but we had a good time. Pat was quite the trooper and cooked on the grill in the rain. It was a fun day - hoping for better weather next year!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Family Fun Day

With the 4th of July being on a Saturday, Pat didn't have to work on the 3rd so we decided to have a family fun day and take the girls to Pirate Cove in Elk Grove Village. It was a beautiful, sunny day and it wasn't too crowded.
We started off on the ferris wheel and then the girls tried out the train where they have to turn the handles to make it go (or the workers used a pole to push them along) Nola was thrilled to be on the 'horsey' and then enjoyed being on the train. We thought we would have to pry her off, but she was fairly cooperative.
Then we headed to the potato sack slide. I got to go the first time and then Pat got his turn. I remember going on those slides with my dad - so it was fun to experience it with the girls. They really enjoyed it and wanted to go again. But we moved on to the jumpy house - they can never get enough jumping!
Next on the list of things to do was to ride the train. While I ran to the bathroom they took several rides on the train - changing seats each time for a new perspective. Good thing there wasn't much of a line!
Our last stop on the first time around was the bumper boats. The girls did a great job waiting in a long line until it was finally their turn. Similar to the train, they had to use their arms to make the boat move. Nola didn't get her boat moving too much but had a blast. Once Reagan got it figured out she was moving all over the pond - frontwards, backwards, fast and slow!
They were having so much fun that we went back on some of the rides. We did a little climbing in the park area and Reagan really liked the dragon slide - Nola not so much.
After 2 1/2 hours we decided to head out and get some lunch for the girls and get them home for a nap before we headed out to celebrate the 3rd of July. We had such a great time - no rushing, no schedule to follow, just time together enjoying summer - can never have too much of that.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reagan's special day

Ever since I went to Pik a Pot n Paint with MOPS Steering Team Reagan has been begging me to take her there. I explained that we would have to go a day that Nola was somewhere else because she was too little to go with us.
On the last day of VBS Nola was spending the day with Grandma Jane, so that afternoon Reagan and I went to Pik a Pot n Paint. I was concerned that they wouldn't have air conditioning and it was one of the 5 hot days we have had this summer - but it was plenty cool and she was too excited to notice.
Reagan couldn't decide what to paint. She looked and looked (and looked) - and finally decided on a unicorn. It was actually pretty fun to watch her look at all of the options and tell me why that would be good - or if maybe Nola could do it - or we could make it for Daddy for Christmas, etc. After the big decision was made she picked out her colors and was ready to start painting.
She just loved being there - she would use one brush for a while and then switch to a new brush. And then to another. When she finished painting we cleaned up and were ready to get some lunch. But before we could leave she needed to take one more look around.
We headed to Pompei for lunch where we sat outside and enjoyed the summer weather and time for just Reagan and mom - what fun!
I think we have found a great place for special days - and soon Nola will be able to join us. Watch out Pik a Pot N Paint!!


This spring/early summer Reagan played soccer in Riverside's rec program. She was on the blue team and really enjoyed herself. The first half hour would be spent on drills and practice and they would then play a game during the second half hour.
The first few weeks were fine but then Reagan really started to get a better grasp of the game and really started playing. By the last 2 weeks she was scoring goals and showing some fine soccer skills (must get them from her dad).
It was fun to see her enjoy playing and get better each week. Now we are on a break from soccer to play T-ball (posting soon) and then in the fall she starts AYSO - should be fun!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Just Tri It

On the 2nd Saturday of June I competed in the Subaru Women's Sprint Triathlon in Naperville. I did the race last year and really enjoyed it (weird, I know) so I decided to do it again. So after 9 weeks of training I got up very early (before 5 am) and headed to pick up Nancy and head to Naperville. The weather was great - not too hot and no rain. The water temp was barely 70 so I rented a wetsuit - which made it very bearable.
Pat and the girls arrived right before I started - great inspiration to have them there to support me. So, not sure why, I lined up in the front of my wave for the swim start. I started out way too fast but my competitive juices were flowing and I didn't want to go slower than last year. By the first buoy I had gotten into a good pace and had a good swim. When I got out I was able to see Pat, Reagan & Nola while I ran to the transition area.
After finding my bike (took a moment) I got out of the wetsuit (was glad it came off ok) and headed out on my bike (which is my 10-speed from 8th grade graduation). I had trained many, many hours on the bike and wanted to make sure I improved on my time. The ride was good - just some tough wind when turning the corner to head back in. Nothing too eventful besides avoiding the landscaping truck that somehow got on the race course.
Back into transition and off to run. I was pretty nervous about the run after re-injuring my hip a week and a half before the race, but it held up fine. A little sore when I started, but soon I was in a rhythm and out on the course. It is great to have so many people along the course cheering for everyone - not just who they know. I had good run and strong finish - so I was thrilled.
My mom and dad had arrived while I was racing so they were also at the finish line. It was fun to see my friends, who also raced, at the finish line.
Reagan was quick to take my medal and still thinks I won! (not going to take that away from a 4 year old) The girls were tired after getting up early, but I am so glad Pat got them there to see the race. Reagan told me that when she gets older she is going to do triathlons - how cool would that be.
So no more training this summer - just running when I want, where I want and for as long as I want. The training schedule was great - I was 8 minutes faster this year - but its nice to be on my own and not have to follow any schedule for the summer (except the pool schedule).