Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Cassidy!!!

We were so privileged to be able to celebrate Cassidy's 3rd birthday with her. Since Cassidy is at our house 2 mornings each week, she has become a very special part of our family. When it was time for her party Nola was still sleeping and Pat was sick so Reagan and I headed to the party. Reagan was so excited - she had to get all dressed up for Cassidy's party. When we got there the girls just played and played.
Cassidy was also very dressed up and excited for her party. When the Lurie's walked in she told me, 'Kate, those are my relatives, say hi'. Obviously not realizing that they were my relatives too! Just before dinner was being served (she must have smelled it from a mile away in her crib) Nola woke up so I ran home to get her.
Reagan probably ate 2 bites of food - not surprising since she ate a pirate cookie within 3 minutes of arriving at the party. Nola was just happy to be at the party. She likes the pasta and was telling Grandma Gloria a big story - very cute.
It was then time to open gifts. There was a lot of excitement and everyone wanted to help Cassidy unwrap her gifts. For a while it was a little out of control, but the situation quickly was fixed. Cassidy was so appreciative of all of her presents and gave everyone loves before opening the next gift. The castle she received was a big hit with all the girls - and it was a good distraction for them so Cassidy could open the rest of her gifts more peacefully.
Finally it was time for cake - Reagan's favorite part of all birthday parties! Cassidy had a beautiful princess birthday cake. After the many verses of Happy Birthday were sung she was able to blow out her candles - and she did a great job.
After cake it was pajama time and then time to go home. Not surprisingly my girls weren't quite ready to go home - but it was late and we had to get up for church in the morning. So I had one crying child and one who was really tired and happy to have her pacifier.
It was a great party and we can't wait to celebrate with Cassidy next year!!

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