Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Spring Schaumburg

It didn't work out for us to travel to Florida this year for spring break so we had to come up with Plan B. Thankfully, Michelle has some extra Marriott points and gave us a night free at the Spring Hill Suites in Schaumburg. The girls and I met Pat up there (less than a mile from his office) after work one day while Reagan was on spring break.
We got into our swimsuits and headed to the pool. The girls were a little timid at first, but after about 20 minutes they were ready to go. They just loved splashing around and Reagan was doing lots of paddles and kicks.
After swimming we had dinner in our room and went to bed.
The next morning we had breakfast and then the girls and I went back to the pool when Pat left for work. We were able to swim for a few more hours before we had to check out.
We met Pat for lunch at Pompei, a family favorite, and then I took 2 very tired girls home for naps.
They loved our little get away and we'll keep that in mind for future winters when we need a break from the cold.

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