Monday, July 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas - lots of time with family and friends and watching the girls really get into the wonder of the season.
We spent Christmas Eve afternoon with Mulcrone's at our house for brunch followed by church at CCOB. It was a great service and fun to be celebrating with friends. We had Christmas Eve dinner at Scanlon's and then headed home before Santa Clause would arrive!
Christmas morning the girls were thrilled with their presents - both girls received scooters, an air mattress and a DVD player for the van. Reagan was excited with her vet kit and Nola was thrilled to open her very own Bye Bye Baby.
We then had a great day at the Scanlon's and a wonderful evening at the Mulcrone's. It was a busy two days but worth it to spend great time with our families. The day after Christmas was a nice, quiet day at home - enjoying each other and all the new stuff!

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