Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sears Tower...finally!!!

Since we went downtown last summer for the walk for Nikki, Reagan has been asking to go up in the Sears Tower. After much putting it off and busy schedules, we finally got there on July 5th.
We were going to take the train, but found out they were on the holiday schedule so that wouldn't work. We drove and I felt like my brother - we got great parking on the street for only $2.50/hour. Knowing him, he would have parked in Greek Town and walked to save $0.25/hour, but since I am 8 months pregnant we spent the money :)
It was great timing to arrive since there was no line. We got in pretty quick and Reagan was excited to sit down and hear the story of how the building was built - definitely Pat's girl!
When we got to the top she couldn't believe how many windows there were - she told us she thought there was only one window to look out of. She spent the first 15-20 minutes just staring out the south-facing windows - not much to see but she was amazed.
It was great because Reagan loved it and Nola really enjoyed herself. For being young and not really getting the whole idea of being 103 stories in the air, she had fun.
When we got to the ledges that stick out Nola just ran out there to see what she could. We told her we had to wait for the rest of the people to get out so we could have a turn. And when it was our turn they layed down and looked straight down with no problems.
After about an hour we headed back down and headed to the water taxi. We thought it would be fun to take the kids on a short boat ride on the river to Michigan Ave. They loved the boat and Nola was excited to see the kayaks in the river - Nola was looking for her Uncle Sean!
By the time we got off the boat we were all really hot - nothing like 90 degree weather in Chicago. We headed to Walgreens with hopes of finding some cool air and silly bands. We didn't find the cool air but got the girls their first packages of silly bands.
Luckily we found good air conditioning at the Nordstrom mall just down the street. We had great lunch at Nordstrom Cafe and then got into taxi to get back to our van. The girls loved that part of our adventure as well. Just riding with no car seats was exciting enough for them!
Such a fun family day filled with great memories and fun pictures. What will be our next adventure in Chicago?!?!

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