Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kindergarten...can you believe it?!?!

Reagan started kindergarten in the fall. Not sure how she became old enough to go to kindergarten, but in a blink of an eye it was time!
The first day, Pat & I were able to go with Reagan for an hour to meet her teacher, Mrs Marusarz, and see her room. On the way into the school we were telling Reagan how proud we were of her and how we knew she would do great in school. Then she said, 'Yeah, I think I'm probably the smartest kid in the school.' So no need for self-esteem classes.
Reagan was excited to be in school and couldn't wait for Mrs Marusarz to play the piano for her class.
The second day she went by herself. She had a great time and hasn't looked back. She loves centers, going to the library and computers. She has made new friends and has learned to read.

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