Monday, April 18, 2011

A Day at the Museum

Since Reagan's Christmas break went well into January we took advantage of the free days and headed to the Museum of Science and Industry. Such a quick trip and easy to park - we were ready for a fun day.
First stop was the discovery section - full of levers and water and places for the girls to explore. Similar to the Children's Museums, but still very fun. Then we headed to the farm area and saw the cows and checked out the combine and the tractor.
We also saw the doll house - Reagan was amazed.
I was excited because the trees were still up from Christmas so we walked around to see how people from around the world would decorate their Christmas trees.
Then we stopped to see the storm exhibit. The girls were able to move the vortex around and see the tidal wave display.
I thought there wouldn't be enough for them to do - I thought they were too young - boy was I wrong. We could have stayed longer if it wasn't time for naps. Looking forward to exploring more on the next free day!

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