Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Zoo Camp!!

After such a great experience last year, Reagan was very excited to be going to zoo camp again this year. And to add to the excitement - Cassidy went too! They both had a great week - and came home tired out each day. Her counselor, Annie, was great and kept them busy all morning.
On Friday we were able to go see the Zoo Camp show. Reagan & Cassidy's group performed 'Barnyard Dance' on the outside stage and did such a great job.
We then watched the other groups do their songs and puppet show before Zoo Camp came to an end.
What a great week - and I can't wait to hear all the tidbits that Reagan learned. Funny how she can't remember anything when I pick her up but weeks later she is telling me about a nocternal animal she saw there when it was cloudy.
She is well on her way to her goal of becoming a veterinarian!!

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