Friday, December 18, 2009


In Reagan's preschool class every child gets to bring Marshmallow, the class stuffed bear, home for a weekend. We signed up the first day and I didn't realize the date I signed up for was the weekend before Thanksgiving. And since they don't have school that week we were lucky (?!?) to have Marshmallow for 11 days!
He comes with a suitcase and the first few days we took Marshmallow and the suitcase with us wherever we went. And that was no small feat since the bear was almost as big as Nola.
After a few days Reagan even moved her car seat to the back seat and put Reagan in our extra booster so he could be buckled.
Marshmallow went to Grandma Loretta and Papa's, gymnastics, Grandma Jane and Grandpa John's, Thanksgiving, church, Leo's birthday party and many stores!
Reagan was sad to bring him back to school, but maybe we'll get lucky again and get to bring him home again?!?

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