Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekend with Friends

In November we headed to Bloomington and Peoria to visit Jodi and Shadia.
We spent Friday night and Saturday with Jodi's family. Reagan & Nola had a great time playing with Anthony and Nina. Reagan and Nina had a 'sleepover' in Nina's room and Anthony was a huge help with Nola.
We even went to the Children's Museum in Normal. It was a great place - and we could tell we weren't in the Chicago area any more - there was a large tractor and cow-milking area! The kids made crafts, climbed on their climber, tried out crutches and much more.
Shadia, Ray & Sophia joined us for dinner. As long as Jason stayed away from Sophia she was a happy baby!
Saturday night we headed to Peoria and stayed with Shadia's family until Sunday afternoon. We even got to spend time with her mom and dad. Once again, Pat loved the cooking and the girls loved playing with Sophia and Charlie - the dog.
I wish these good friends lived closer, but we enjoyed our time with them so much.
(There would have been more pictures but the battery died while we were at the Children's museum)
And Jodi even convinced me to become a Scentsy consultant - and so far, so good!

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