Friday, September 4, 2009

Play Ball!

This summer Reagan played T-ball through our local YMCA - and I was lucky enough to be the assistant coach. She really loved playing and would get so excited when family and friends came to her games. She had 2 weeks of practice and then the games began. Everyone got to bat and the last player to bat would run all the way around the bases. It didn't take Reagan too long to figure that out and soon was requesting to be the last batter at least once per game. She also wanted to play first base - because that is where the ball was always thrown to. She did not want to be in the pitcher position (no one pitched - but someone was in that positions) because they had to wear a helmet and mask. Not her thing.
It was fun to coach and experience this with her. And she was very excited that I was her coach.
They made the teams by preschool so Reagan knew a few players on her team - which was nice. And we got to see them every week. By the end of the season Reagan was doing a great job hitting the ball off the tee and running the bases. She even improved on her throwing - at least now she is stepping with the correct foot.
I think we'll sign her up again next summer - and I'll probably sign myself up to. Can't beat the free t-shirt!!

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