Friday, September 4, 2009


This summer was fun but it was also a very sad time for our family. My dear cousin, Nikki, passed away on August 4, 2009 after a 19 year battle with brain cancer. I really didn't know how to write about this time and what I should say but I can't blog about our lives and not include her passing. Growing up we spent Sunday afternoons at my grandma & grandpa DeVries' house with Nikki's family so we really did grow up together. We went to Chetek, WI for family vacations when we were younger - we even went to the eye doctor together (Dr Z). She was my cousin and in many ways like a little sister to me. Even though we were only 18 months apart, Nikki was always 'younger' and her and I had a special relationship. I still remember going to her house to ask her to be in our wedding - she was so excited and I was so happy she said yes!
Since I graduated from college I started going with Nikki and our parents to the Ride for Kids (motorcycle ride to benefit pediatric brain tumors). First one I went to was in Elgin, then we went for a few years to Northbrook, then to Barrington and the last two years we went to South Bend. The best part of going to South Bend was that we spent the night there and would go swiming and then out to dinner the night before and then go to the ride in the morning. And before we could head home we had to have lunch - Nikki's orders :)
I am so thankful for all the time I got to spend with Nikki. Sure, I wish I could have had more time with her but I thank God that Pat, Reagan & Nola all got to know Nikki and love her as I did.
Nikki had a faith that truly exemplified 'childlike faith'. Nikki should be a role model to each of us as we journey through our life - that no matter what God gives us to endure, we must trust in Him and know that he is God.
There was an underlying peace surrounding our family the last several weeks, days and hours of Nikki's life. Its not something I can put into words, but I know without a doubt that this peace comes from God and trusting that He is in control and the way to eternal life. Nikki would be so happy to know that even just one person turned their life over to God after knowing her or even just hearing her story - she knew where she was going when God called her home. I hope we all can say we know where we are going when He call us.

Garden update

To say our garden was a success in an understatement. After not knowing if anything would grow in the unknown soil we have been pleasantly surprised that all of our vegetables have grown! (the pictures are from July)
We have had tons and tons of tomatoes - mostly cherry tomatoes for my salad and they are so yummy. We did get a lot of squash and zucchini but they were really seedy so I didn't use too many of those. We also harvested some green beans and just a few sugar snap peas - the squash plants overtook the pea plants, unfortunately.
We now have the most amazing sunflowers - taller than our garage - and planted from seed.
My grandpa DeVries would be very proud - just hope he can't see all the weeds I haven't picked!

Zoo Camp

In July Reagan attended Zoo camp for one week in the mornings. She was so excited to wear her green t-shirt and bring her water bottle with her. One of her friends was also in her class - so that made it even better.
She loved going every day and came home exhausted! They did a ton of walking and learned a ton as well. They got to go to Dinosaurs Alive, ride the Carousel and ride the motor safari. The last day their teachers painted their faces (and did much better than I could have ever done) and they put on a little show for the parents for the last few minutes of camp.
I was amazed at how much she learned and how much she enjoyed herself. We go to the zoo quite frequently but zoo camp was the best time at the zoo ever!

Swing, Swing, Swing

Last summer our friends called to tell us their neighbors were selling a large Little Tikes treehouse for $25 so we rushed over to the other side of town and snatched it up. The girls (and their friends) have had a great time climbing in it and going down the slide but we were missing the best part.
So their amazing dad built a swingset for the other side of the treehouse. We now have 2 swings and the girls couldn't be happier.
Nola is very possesive of her swing (imagine that) but Reagan shares nicely and they have spent many hours on their swings this summer. Thanks Pat, for giving them this great gift!

Happy Birthday, Finn!

Back in July we had a wonderful day at the aquarium celebrating Finn's birthday. It was a beautiful, sunny day - perfect to head into the city. The aquarium was quite full, but we still had a great time and the kids were enjoying every minute. The new kids area downstairs was really cool - and the kids explored all of the exhibits down there.
We had a great picnic lunch on the lakefront - you can't beat that! The kids ran around and squirted water at each other - and us. Reagan was happy to see the Sears Tower and Nola was just happy to run around.
It was a great day with great friends. Hard to believe Finn turned 2 - which means Nola won't be 1 for much longer.

Play Ball!

This summer Reagan played T-ball through our local YMCA - and I was lucky enough to be the assistant coach. She really loved playing and would get so excited when family and friends came to her games. She had 2 weeks of practice and then the games began. Everyone got to bat and the last player to bat would run all the way around the bases. It didn't take Reagan too long to figure that out and soon was requesting to be the last batter at least once per game. She also wanted to play first base - because that is where the ball was always thrown to. She did not want to be in the pitcher position (no one pitched - but someone was in that positions) because they had to wear a helmet and mask. Not her thing.
It was fun to coach and experience this with her. And she was very excited that I was her coach.
They made the teams by preschool so Reagan knew a few players on her team - which was nice. And we got to see them every week. By the end of the season Reagan was doing a great job hitting the ball off the tee and running the bases. She even improved on her throwing - at least now she is stepping with the correct foot.
I think we'll sign her up again next summer - and I'll probably sign myself up to. Can't beat the free t-shirt!!