Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy, Happy 4th Birthday, Reagan!! (preschool and dance)

Last week we celebrated Reagan's 4th Birthday - and boy, did we celebrate. The festivities began with her party at preschool on Tuesday. When she arrived at school she was given her crown to wear - which was very appropriate since she wore her fancy red dress and shoes that day. At 10:00 I was lucky enough to go into her classroom and play with the kids for a while. Then Reagan and I set up the tables for snack - which Reagan has picked out - chocolate cupcakes and chocolate milk (yes, definitely a Mulcrone). Before snack time Reagan was able to make a cake on the felt board and then her class sang Happy Birthday to her.
Then it was time to eat the snack - very exciting for everyone! The teachers had poured the chocolate milk into smaller containers, so the kids were able to pour their own glasses..
After snack we all went to the gym room for play time. Mrs Blatchley brought in her radio that had sounds from a fire station and the kids pretended to be firemen who were sleeping and then had to wake up quickly, get dressed, get on the trucks, drive to the fire, get the hoses and ladders set up, put out the fire, clean up and drive back to the fire station - it was very impressive.
It was then time for preschool to be done for the day - but it was such a fun day!
On Wednesday Reagan went to dance class and they sang Happy Birthday to her there, as well. She was lucky enough to wear the special cake hat and be the leader of the train song! After class we went to Grandma & Papa Mulcrone's to celebrate Reagan's birthday at dinner. Reagan was lucky enough to get a new dress (she'll probably wear it every day), a shorts outfit and a book with a cd that will be great for the karaoke machine!

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