Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy, Happy 4th Birthday, Reagan!! The Big Day!

Reagan was so excited about her birthday this year - we had a countdown going since Christmas! So it was so exciting on Thursday morning when she woke up on her Big Day! To add to the excitement her preschool class had their field trip to the Fire Station on Reagan's birthday! I was excited to be one of the parents going on the trip. Reagan, of course dressed in a dress, had to wear her preschool t-shirt, but just simply put it over the dress.
The field trip was a lot of fun. Reagan told the firemen that her Uncle Mike and Grandpa John were firemen and that she had been to their firehouse. She also was the first to answer when asked what the ambulance was.
At the end of the trip they took a picture of the kids - and since it was Reagan's birthday she was able to stand up on the fire truck for the picture.
Grandma Jane surprised Reagan and met us for lunch at Panera (thanks to Linda). After lunch we went to Tony's supermarket to get fancy cookies for a tea party. Nola fell asleep on the way home so we put her to nap and then had our tea party - what fun!
Daddy and Grandpa John got to our house in time to head out to Tony's for dinner - Reagan wanted pancakes so we decided to go to our favorite breakfast spot. It was really raining hard and at one point Reagan did say 'maybe this wasn't such a good idea to go out in all of this rain!'.
When we got home from dinner it was finally time for presents. (she had already opened up some pretty hair clips from Grandma during our tea party and LOVED them!) Reagan was thrilled with her 2 fancy dresses from Grandma and Grandpa - she can't wait until its warm enough to wear them.
She was also happy to open her new Barbies from Nola - one ballerina and one that cares for dogs! Pat & I gave her a dollhouse for her Barbies - and boy, is it bright pink!! It has a balcony and an elevator - Barbie sure has come a long way.
For her cake Reagan asked for an ice cream cake made with mint chocolate chip ice cream. She helped crush the Oreos (and ate a few along the way) and she help put the Cool Whip on too. Since there weren't that many of us here, Reagan sang to herelf when we sang to her. Everyone enjoyed the dessert and celebration.
It was then time for bed - needed our rest before the other 2 parties...

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