Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nola and her cast...

It has been almost 2 weeks since Nola broke her leg. She is getting really fast at crawling and is great at scooting on her bottom to get where she wants to go. Every once in a while she will get off of the couch and stand, but that doesn't last very long. She has not yet figured out walking. We go to the fracture clinic tomorrow and they will most likely take it off, x-ray her and then put a new cast on. But we shall see. Praying that she is in a good mood and it goes quickly.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day!!

We are excited to celebrate on a 70 degree day in Chicago. The soda bread is out of the oven and we have already been for a bike ride and walk. Looking forward to getting back outside after naptime.

And (to the left) here's the picture from last year - they are getting too big too fast!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hints of Spring

Last Thursday and Friday were beautiful days here in Chicago - quite a change from our usual 20 degree weather. After I picked Reagan up from school we came home so I could make lunches and pick up Nate, and then we were off to pick up Cori and Cassidy and head to the zoo. I think I was just as excited as the kids.
Since it was so nice we tried to only see animals that were outside. Our exception were the giraffes - they were inside and we love to see them. They were eating while we were there so the kids got a very close look.
We had good lunch and then headed to the park to play for a few minutes before seeing the baboons and heading home. The kids loved the park - the older kids climbed the rock wall and conquered the larger jungle gym with Cori while Nola and I mastered the smaller jungle gym.
Nola and I did head over to the larger jungle gym for 2 slides down the big slide. The 2nd trip down didn't turn out so good - Nola's left foot got caught between my leg and the slide and it twisted backwards and now she has a fracture in her tibia.
But she only cried for a little while - I gave her the pacifier and she was good to go. We did see the baboons and then headed home.
We can't wait to be able to do that any day we choose - hurry up spring and summer, we are waiting!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Reagan, from your family!

After a very successful Birthday Beach bash we got ready for Reagan's family birthday party on Sunday. Needless to say, it was much easier to plan for 30 adults and children than for 14 4-7 year olds. Not as much fun stories to report from the family party, but the kids did have fun playing together and the adults enjoyed good food and even better company.
Dinner was great - ham, salads, mac & cheese, potatoes.
Then it was time for presents (not that she needed anything else) but you can't have a 4 year-old without gifts at her own party. She was very excited with everything - dresses, swimming dog, games, art supplies, more clothes. Reagan did a great job of thanking everyone with hugs and kisses and was very appreciative.
Once again...time for cake. This cake was from Costco - not as creative as the flip flop cake, but really good - and chocolaty! Reagan picked this one out because it had a princess on it - imagine that.
We had a small crowd this year - we missed Papa, Bridget, Shannon, Uncle Bill, Aunt MariPat and Ed - illnesses and a new knee kept them from celebrating with us - hopefully they'll all be with us next year.
Reagan really enjoyed all of her birthday celebrations. Her great-grandma De Vries would have been so proud - she used to celebrate her birthday for at least a week so Reagan is following nicely in her footsteps.

Birthday Beach Bash!!

What do you do when the winter is too have a Birthday Beach Bash! We got out our flip flops, shorts and dresses, turned up the heat and had a great birthday party for Reagan. This was her first kids party - nothing like 14 kids to set the precedence!
I even got my inner-Betty Crocker going and made her cake a flip flop cake. Very fun and not too hard.
The Goy's had decorations from a Young Life banquet and they were gracious enough to share with us. We had lays ready when the kids arrived and cups for them to decorate.
Then it was time for an obstacle course in the basement wearing my flip flops. Turned out to be a little much for 4 year olds, but they still had fun. Before lunch it was time for a fun game of musical chairs - using the mats from Hullabaloo. Instead of going around in circles the kids danced until the music stopped and then had to find a mat.
Next we headed upstairs for lunch - hot dogs, cheese and fruit on kabobs served with icees or juice boxes. The kids ate pretty well - considering it was a party. After lunch there was time to just play while we cleaned up and got ready for the next fun event...the pinata!
Back downstairs the kids lined up by size and took their turns swinging at the flip flop pinata. Some of the kids are really strong, but it didn't break - even after everyone had 2 turns. So I opened it up and let the candy pour out. The kids had fun picking out some candy to put in their goodie bags.
Then we headed back upstairs for cake. The kids sang great and while we cut the cake they had time to play one of Reagan's favorite games - duck duck goose. It is also one of Nola's favorits games so she was trying to play as well - but she was going the wrong way! It was a great way to give us some time to get the cake cut and ready to be eaten. The kids seemed to enjoy the cake - no big surprise there. Reagan started opening her gifts before the parents arrived to pick up the kids. She received so many great presents - clothes, paints, chalk, Polly Pockets, Barbies and fun games. She has been busy trying out all of her new stuff over the past week. Now we just wait for the warm weather so we can have a beach bash outside!

Happy, Happy 4th Birthday, Reagan!! The Big Day!

Reagan was so excited about her birthday this year - we had a countdown going since Christmas! So it was so exciting on Thursday morning when she woke up on her Big Day! To add to the excitement her preschool class had their field trip to the Fire Station on Reagan's birthday! I was excited to be one of the parents going on the trip. Reagan, of course dressed in a dress, had to wear her preschool t-shirt, but just simply put it over the dress.
The field trip was a lot of fun. Reagan told the firemen that her Uncle Mike and Grandpa John were firemen and that she had been to their firehouse. She also was the first to answer when asked what the ambulance was.
At the end of the trip they took a picture of the kids - and since it was Reagan's birthday she was able to stand up on the fire truck for the picture.
Grandma Jane surprised Reagan and met us for lunch at Panera (thanks to Linda). After lunch we went to Tony's supermarket to get fancy cookies for a tea party. Nola fell asleep on the way home so we put her to nap and then had our tea party - what fun!
Daddy and Grandpa John got to our house in time to head out to Tony's for dinner - Reagan wanted pancakes so we decided to go to our favorite breakfast spot. It was really raining hard and at one point Reagan did say 'maybe this wasn't such a good idea to go out in all of this rain!'.
When we got home from dinner it was finally time for presents. (she had already opened up some pretty hair clips from Grandma during our tea party and LOVED them!) Reagan was thrilled with her 2 fancy dresses from Grandma and Grandpa - she can't wait until its warm enough to wear them.
She was also happy to open her new Barbies from Nola - one ballerina and one that cares for dogs! Pat & I gave her a dollhouse for her Barbies - and boy, is it bright pink!! It has a balcony and an elevator - Barbie sure has come a long way.
For her cake Reagan asked for an ice cream cake made with mint chocolate chip ice cream. She helped crush the Oreos (and ate a few along the way) and she help put the Cool Whip on too. Since there weren't that many of us here, Reagan sang to herelf when we sang to her. Everyone enjoyed the dessert and celebration.
It was then time for bed - needed our rest before the other 2 parties...

Happy, Happy 4th Birthday, Reagan!! (preschool and dance)

Last week we celebrated Reagan's 4th Birthday - and boy, did we celebrate. The festivities began with her party at preschool on Tuesday. When she arrived at school she was given her crown to wear - which was very appropriate since she wore her fancy red dress and shoes that day. At 10:00 I was lucky enough to go into her classroom and play with the kids for a while. Then Reagan and I set up the tables for snack - which Reagan has picked out - chocolate cupcakes and chocolate milk (yes, definitely a Mulcrone). Before snack time Reagan was able to make a cake on the felt board and then her class sang Happy Birthday to her.
Then it was time to eat the snack - very exciting for everyone! The teachers had poured the chocolate milk into smaller containers, so the kids were able to pour their own glasses..
After snack we all went to the gym room for play time. Mrs Blatchley brought in her radio that had sounds from a fire station and the kids pretended to be firemen who were sleeping and then had to wake up quickly, get dressed, get on the trucks, drive to the fire, get the hoses and ladders set up, put out the fire, clean up and drive back to the fire station - it was very impressive.
It was then time for preschool to be done for the day - but it was such a fun day!
On Wednesday Reagan went to dance class and they sang Happy Birthday to her there, as well. She was lucky enough to wear the special cake hat and be the leader of the train song! After class we went to Grandma & Papa Mulcrone's to celebrate Reagan's birthday at dinner. Reagan was lucky enough to get a new dress (she'll probably wear it every day), a shorts outfit and a book with a cd that will be great for the karaoke machine!