Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sick Days

So I haven't had much to post lately because we have had lots of sickness in our house. Almost 2 weeks ago Reagan started fevering and coughing - which lasted a week. Nola then got the same thing - unfortunately hers did not go away so she ended up at the doctor on Monday. She has a sinus infection and is now doing better after being on her medication for 3 days. In the meantime, Pat came down with his own sinus infection last week. After finishing his z-pack he was not better - in fact he started getting a terrible cough. He had his turn at the doctor and he has bronchitis and possibly pneumonia! His medicine is kicking in and he is feeling better, just not 100% yet.
We are ready to air out our house of all the germs that have decided to settle in. Hopefully we will have more exciting blog entries soon!

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