Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mommy Playing Volleyball

Funny how I don't usually post about what I am doing - just focus on our family or the girls. But thanks to Michelle taking pictures I now have to post about myself. About 2 years ago I started playing volleyball with my friend, Susan, through the LaGrange Park Park District. We have a good team and most games are pretty competitive. We just play through the winter and its been a lot of fun. I have met some great women and get to play volleyball - which I love.
For an added bonus, Kendy is now playing with us since she moved back to the area from the east coast. She is now our star player - and its so fun to get to play with her again. We started playing together in 7th grade and continued through high school. She went on to play in college and then we would play against each other in the church league in South Holland (not very competitive, but we made it fun). I realized today that we have now played together for 20 years! (I am starting to sound old)
Reagan really loves to come watch me play and has been there many times when Pat was running late but very few children come to watch - its definitely a 'mommy time' thing. But I do like when she comes because she enjoys it and I like the idea of her seeing what volleyball is all about and the possibility that one day she will play as well. Nola doesn't understand sitting on the sidelines and not coming on to the court so she has only been there once. Maybe next season will be better.
But we do have fun - and even more fun when we win. So hard to believe that 20 years later we are still playing together and having fun. And sometimes I even get a chance to be the setter - something I haven't had a chance to do since 7th grade!

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