Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hints of Spring

Last Thursday and Friday were beautiful days here in Chicago - quite a change from our usual 20 degree weather. After I picked Reagan up from school we came home so I could make lunches and pick up Nate, and then we were off to pick up Cori and Cassidy and head to the zoo. I think I was just as excited as the kids.
Since it was so nice we tried to only see animals that were outside. Our exception were the giraffes - they were inside and we love to see them. They were eating while we were there so the kids got a very close look.
We had good lunch and then headed to the park to play for a few minutes before seeing the baboons and heading home. The kids loved the park - the older kids climbed the rock wall and conquered the larger jungle gym with Cori while Nola and I mastered the smaller jungle gym.
Nola and I did head over to the larger jungle gym for 2 slides down the big slide. The 2nd trip down didn't turn out so good - Nola's left foot got caught between my leg and the slide and it twisted backwards and now she has a fracture in her tibia.
But she only cried for a little while - I gave her the pacifier and she was good to go. We did see the baboons and then headed home.
We can't wait to be able to do that any day we choose - hurry up spring and summer, we are waiting!

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