Saturday, March 7, 2009

Birthday Beach Bash!!

What do you do when the winter is too have a Birthday Beach Bash! We got out our flip flops, shorts and dresses, turned up the heat and had a great birthday party for Reagan. This was her first kids party - nothing like 14 kids to set the precedence!
I even got my inner-Betty Crocker going and made her cake a flip flop cake. Very fun and not too hard.
The Goy's had decorations from a Young Life banquet and they were gracious enough to share with us. We had lays ready when the kids arrived and cups for them to decorate.
Then it was time for an obstacle course in the basement wearing my flip flops. Turned out to be a little much for 4 year olds, but they still had fun. Before lunch it was time for a fun game of musical chairs - using the mats from Hullabaloo. Instead of going around in circles the kids danced until the music stopped and then had to find a mat.
Next we headed upstairs for lunch - hot dogs, cheese and fruit on kabobs served with icees or juice boxes. The kids ate pretty well - considering it was a party. After lunch there was time to just play while we cleaned up and got ready for the next fun event...the pinata!
Back downstairs the kids lined up by size and took their turns swinging at the flip flop pinata. Some of the kids are really strong, but it didn't break - even after everyone had 2 turns. So I opened it up and let the candy pour out. The kids had fun picking out some candy to put in their goodie bags.
Then we headed back upstairs for cake. The kids sang great and while we cut the cake they had time to play one of Reagan's favorite games - duck duck goose. It is also one of Nola's favorits games so she was trying to play as well - but she was going the wrong way! It was a great way to give us some time to get the cake cut and ready to be eaten. The kids seemed to enjoy the cake - no big surprise there. Reagan started opening her gifts before the parents arrived to pick up the kids. She received so many great presents - clothes, paints, chalk, Polly Pockets, Barbies and fun games. She has been busy trying out all of her new stuff over the past week. Now we just wait for the warm weather so we can have a beach bash outside!

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