Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Taking of Christmas Pictures

I love receiving and sending Christmas cards - I just don't love the process of getting a good picture of Reagan & Nola by our Christmas tree. It always starts out well, but ends up with me losing my patience and yelling - not quite what I want my girls to remember about taking Christmas pictures. I was happy to have a few pictures to chose from - one in their green jumpers and one in their Christmas pajamas. (top 2 pictures)
But I thought I should share some of the other pictures I took so at least they were not taken in vain. The jumpers have matching hats, but during our first photo shoot I forgot about the hats so I thought it would be a good idea (obviously was not thinking clearly) to get them all dressed up again and take pictures with their hats. I was smart enough to wait until Pat was home from work, but they didn't make the cut either.
So please enjoy our attempts to make the perfect Christmas cards. Maybe next year I'll make a video of the process and include that in my blog - maybe that would keep me from losing my patience!

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