Monday, December 15, 2008

Here Comes Santa Claus!!

Last weekend we headed to the South Holland Fire Station for their annual kids Christmas party. Reagan & Nola were happy to run around the station and play with their cousins and new friends they made. They served a great buffet dinner - Nola thought it was great and couldn't get enough - whereas Reagan & Leo probably had 2 bites each!
Not too much later it was time for the big event - Santa Claus!!! It was so fun to watch the excitement in Reagan's eyes as she watched him walk in and up to his chair. Reagan & Nola were the first kids to be called up to get their presents. Reagan was great and told Santa that she wants Bye Bye Baby. Nola was giving her fake cry - definitely for attention. When they were done they opened their presents - Reagan was excited with her paint/stamp set and Nola was busy playing with her photo purse.
Reilly, Taylor, Hannah, Anthony & Leo all got their turns to visit Santa and no one else cried! But after a few other kids went Nola decided that she liked Santa so she kept walking up front and waving to him while they were trying to get pictures of him with the other kids - too funny!
We attempted to take a picture of my parents with all of the grandchildren - not too bad for 7 kids.
So we took home 2 very tired, but very happy children. Reagan has told me she is going to get up on Christmas Eve and look outside so she can see Santa and his reindeer. Oh what fun to see Christmas through the eyes of a child!

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