Thursday, October 29, 2009

DeVries day at the Zoo

Living so close we go to the zoo frequently during the summer. But its always more fun to go with someone - especially when its family! We joined my Aunt Karen, Kristin & Kelly and all the kids at the zoo in August.
The kids had all been together a bunch this summer so it was fun to take them to a fun place and enjoy time together.
Its also fun to get the perspective of the older kids - interesting thoughts and ideas (and funny). We even went in the Australia hose - and after seeing all those bats hanging from the ceiling I know why I don't go in there more often.
We had a picnic lunch - complete with geese. And had time to spend in the play zoo. All the kids got their faces painted - which is still Reagan and Nola's favorite part of going to the zoo.
Nola was asleep before we got home (the mile ride home tired her out) - but the girls had such a great time playing with their cousins they didn't want it to end.

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