Thursday, October 29, 2009


Before the summer ended we were able to host one bonfire in our yard. The Erb's came to join us - and luckily they did because we don't have sticks (must invest in them before next time). The girls loved making S'mores - or really they just loved burning the marshmallows in the fire.
Their attention span wasn't too long, but they still talk about it and can't wait to have another.

Time to Dance

Reagan started dancing again this fall - and is very excited because now she gets to take ballet and tap. She is tapping away and loving every minute of it.
Hope she has more grace than her mom did.

Kiddie Land - the End of an Era

The big new story this summer was that Kiddie Land was closing for good. We had never taken our kids but thought we better make it happen because this was our last opportunity.
The Schmeltz family joined us for what turned out to be one of the best nights of our summer. The kids loved it from the time they stepped onto the first ride until we dragged them out at closing time.
There was no fear of any ride - the faster the better - especially for Nola. And our girls, benefiting from our height - were able to ride almost every ride there. They started with the cars then moved on to the elephants, back to the cars, spinning rides, airplanes, swings, slides, bumper cars, carousel, and finished off with the roller coaster.
We did take time to stop for dinner - typical amusement park fare. But there was a highlight near the end when Reagan and Nola had their first taste of cotton candy. And now they are hooked.
It was so fun to watch the kids ride the rides with their dear friends, Will & Finn. They stuck together and couldn't have had a better time.
It is sad that it is now closed because our girls just loved it!
It reminded me of going to Santa's Village when we were growing up. And in keeping with that tradition - they did not get sweatshirts!

DeVries day at the Zoo

Living so close we go to the zoo frequently during the summer. But its always more fun to go with someone - especially when its family! We joined my Aunt Karen, Kristin & Kelly and all the kids at the zoo in August.
The kids had all been together a bunch this summer so it was fun to take them to a fun place and enjoy time together.
Its also fun to get the perspective of the older kids - interesting thoughts and ideas (and funny). We even went in the Australia hose - and after seeing all those bats hanging from the ceiling I know why I don't go in there more often.
We had a picnic lunch - complete with geese. And had time to spend in the play zoo. All the kids got their faces painted - which is still Reagan and Nola's favorite part of going to the zoo.
Nola was asleep before we got home (the mile ride home tired her out) - but the girls had such a great time playing with their cousins they didn't want it to end.

Good times with Ella

For many months Nola referred to all children her age as 'Ella' - my dear friend Michelle's little girl's name. So any time spent with Ella is a great time in deed. This summer we ventured to Navy Pier with Michelle and Ella to explore the Chicago Children's Museum.
It was so fun to watch the girls play and figure out all the museum had to offer - and wonder why they didn't have these cool places when we were growing up!
The girls loved the block party area - complete with stage to be a band, carts to sell hot dogs and ice cream and so much more. They got wet in the water area and bowled a little.
We even got to do the parachute with balls!
What a great day it was - and the girls can't wait to go back soon.