Sunday, August 2, 2009


Ever since Reagan was Cinderella for Halloween I have been trying to find a play of Cinderella to take her to. (she did get to go with Cori & Cassidy but I had to miss) So a few weeks ago I got tickets for her, Nola, myself and my mom to go see Cinderella. We were one of only a few families there - it was mostly summer camp groups. This meant we got great seats - front row! - since we only needed 3 seats.
Reagan and Nola just loved the show - the music was great as were the actors. They came into the audience and had the kids sing along, so it was a great time.
After the play Reagan did not want to get her picture taken with Cinderella - but she was very excited to get a 'magic wand'. Of couse, we needed 2 so Nola could join in on the fun.
Such a fun day - can't wait for the next play!

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