Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pool Day

This summer has not been a warm one - average temp is under 70 - so we haven't gotten much use out of our pool pass. But last week we did get to go swim at Uncle Sean's house in his heated pool! Reagan & Nola had a great time swimming with their cousins and Reagan was proud to announce that this year she can touch the bottom step on the ladder into the pool. Nola loved getting on the dolphin and then chasing the ball around the pool with Reilly. It was a fun day - and of course, they were not ready to go home. But naps were needed and we headed home. Hopefully we'll have some more time there before this summer ends. Maybe we'll be swimming into October - hoping for an indian summer!


Ever since Reagan was Cinderella for Halloween I have been trying to find a play of Cinderella to take her to. (she did get to go with Cori & Cassidy but I had to miss) So a few weeks ago I got tickets for her, Nola, myself and my mom to go see Cinderella. We were one of only a few families there - it was mostly summer camp groups. This meant we got great seats - front row! - since we only needed 3 seats.
Reagan and Nola just loved the show - the music was great as were the actors. They came into the audience and had the kids sing along, so it was a great time.
After the play Reagan did not want to get her picture taken with Cinderella - but she was very excited to get a 'magic wand'. Of couse, we needed 2 so Nola could join in on the fun.
Such a fun day - can't wait for the next play!