Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

It was great that Halloween fell on a Saturday this year. This was Pat's first time trick-or-treating with the girls. The weather was pretty nice so the girls were able to trick or treat without freezing. Nola was still napping when our neighborhood group was ready to start the candy frenzy, so Pat headed out with Reagan and friends from the neighborhood.
Reagan quickly remembered how it worked and was in the front of the pack getting as much candy as possible. Nola woke up quickly after they left and was soon ready to go herself.
Reagan was a gorgeous Ariel from the Little Mermaid and Nola was an adorable duck - quack, quack!
The girls pumpkins quickly filled up - so much so that Reagan couldn't carry her any longer. And that was just 2 blocks!
We emptied the pumpkins and headed over to Aunt MariPat and Uncle Bill's house for our annual visit there. Talk about the best Halloween house!
After getting some dinner, the girls headed out for a few more houses before the trick-or-treating was done. They had a great time and (no surprise) were not ready to go home!
The funny thing is, after Halloween they didn't ask for any candy?!? And they love candy, so not sure what happened. Maybe they think that they only get to eat it on Halloween - I'm sure that won't happen again!

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