Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nola's Balloon Party

Since Nola doesn't have much control over the TV, her exposure to shows is based on Reagan's taste so it was hard to figure out what theme to have for her birthday. But then one day we were at Costco and she saw a cake with balloons (yes, the same cake she had for her first birthday) and said she wanted a balloon birthday - so excited for the easy theme!!
So Nola had balloons and more balloons at her party. She had fun playing with all of her cousins and friends and really enjoyed opening her gifts. She was happy to give hugs to those who gave her gifts (we are trying to teach gratitude).
We had cake right about the time she should have been napping. She loved to hear everyone singing to her and was thrilled to have chocolate cake. But within minutes of starting to eat, exhaustion set in and the tears started falling. Grandma Jane put her to bed and the rest of us enjoyed the rest of her party.
We are so thankful for our family and friends who love Nola and made her 2nd birthday so special!

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