Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Pat!

When I first met Pat I was very excited to find out his birthday was Cinco de Mayo - because I knew I would never forget it. So when May 5th rolled around we were excited to celebrate with him. The girls and I (including Cassidy) went to Pat's office and took him out to lunch. (Sidenote - we had to stop at home after preschool to get a pretty dress for Reagan to wear because she couldn't imagine going to visit her dad on his birthday and NOT be in a dress) We had a great lunch at Buona Beef and then stopped in to say hi to some of his friends at work.
In the afternoon the girls and I took naps and got ready for his celebration. Papa Pat, Grandma Jane and Grandpa John joined us for Giron's pizza and ice cream cake. Pat requested chocolate ice cream cake with both chocolate and caramel sauce - and he was delighted! As were his daughters - Nola couldn't get enough!
He received some steaks (yum), memory for his tablet, and Bamboo for the computer (don't quite know how it works, but he does) and a t-shirt from the Ft Myers tea party.
The girls loved his musical card they game him - and danced around to 'Go Daddy Go'. It was a great night - happy to celebrate another birthday with my amazing husband.

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