Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Jump! Jump! Jump!

Whoever invented blowup jumpers was brilliant (and probably really rich by now!). We went to my cousin Brad's graduation party on Saturday and they had a castle jumper in the backyard. When we walked in I knew we would have a hard time getting Reagan to ever leave. It was a great party and we were able to see a lot of my relatives that we haven't seen in a while. Pat was thrilled with the Portillo's food and Nola loved all of the attention. Reagan loved the chocolate cake - I think she had 2 pieces - good thing she didn't find the chocolate chip cookies that her dad was thoroughly enjoying! Reagan and Cassidy just ran and ran and ran - that is, when they weren't jumping. It was so fun to watch Reagan play with her cousins - especially those she doesn't see very often. I am one of 16 grandchildren on my dad's side and I really don't know how many great-grandchildren there are -definitely over 30, so there are plenty of kids to play with. Its really great to have such a large family - it keeps life fun and interesting.
It did take us quite a long time to leave the party (imagine that!). Reagan had to give EVERYONE a kiss and a hug - even people she had never met before. Then I forgot something inside and she went back in with me and gave everyone another kiss and a hug. Definitely Mulcrone and Scanlon blood in our girls - never want to leave a party and always have a great time while they are there.
Pat did get a video from the jumper, so check it out. (this is the first video I am uploading, so let me know if it doesn't work).

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