Friday, September 10, 2010

Introducing...Cullen Patrick Mulcrone

We are so excited to announce the birth of Cullen Patrick Mulcrone on Friday, August 13th at 9:52 pm. He weighed 7 lb 15 oz and was 20" long.
When I went to the doctor that morning for my weekly visit he said I was only measuring at 37 weeks so he did a quick ultrasound to find out that my fluids were getting low so I needed to be induced. I headed home to get my things - and Pat and then headed to the hospital. Lucky for me my dad was watching the girls for my appointment so he just took them home with him.
Induction and labor went smooth and easy and we were thrilled when Cullen was born. We didn't know if he was a boy or girl (I was convinced he was a girl) but it is exciting to have a son.
Cullen is a great baby - he eats well and is very content. Cries only for food, clean diaper and for a quick nap.
We are now 4 weeks into being a family of 5 and we love every moment of it. The girls are great with him and its so nice they have each other to play with when I can't play with them.
We have been blessed by family and friends who have visited, brought us meals, took the girls for a while and taking good care of us.
We can't wait for Cullen to meet all his family and friends - he is one lucky boy!